
About Me
Reducing My Family's Carbon Footprint

One day last summer, I got a letter in the mail that blew me away. It was a bill from my power company, and I couldn't believe how much power it said that we had used. I didn't know what to do, but I knew that we had to do something. That day, we made the decision as a family to reduce our carbon footprint by using less power. We started turning off the television when it wasn't in use, switching off lights, and eliminating extra plugged in appliances. It seemed like a big sacrifice at first, but after awhile we started to realize that it was going to make things a lot better. Check out this blog for ideas on how you can use energy more effectively.


Taking A Closer Look At The Benefits Of Propane In Crop-Drying Applications

5 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When you are in the business of farming, you may not always be able to count on the weather and humidity to create the ideal atmosphere for drying off the crops that you have harvested. This is why so many farmers rely on crop-drying systems in their everyday operations. By using heat and dehumidified air, the crops and grains that have been harvested and stored can be maintained at a moisture level that wards off mold and rot. Read More …

Finding More Uses For Propane Fuel

30 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner, you use propane for your home heating system. The fuel has been good to you and has kept you and your loved ones warm for years.  Your propane delivery company has been filling your tank to approximately 60 percent of capacity, which is the sweet spot for them in terms of revenue flow. However, you'd like to justify larger fuel deliveries. This will keep your costs down in the long run because it will cut down on emergency fuel requests. Read More …

3 Things To Do If You Break A Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb In Your Home

25 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Compact fluorescent light bulbs, also called CFL bulbs, can be an excellent choice if you are trying to conserve energy costs in your home. They are safe to use and last a long time. However, because the tubing in these bulbs have a tiny bit of mercury in them, it is important to handle a broken CFL bulb safely. Here are some things to remember to do if you break one of these light bulbs in your house. Read More …

3 Ways To Keep Costs Down When Building A Playhouse

23 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

For children, having a place to allow their imaginations to run wild is often paradise to them. While role playing with toys in the living room is enough for some kids, others would like to have their own place where they can escape. This is where a playhouse comes in handy. The project itself can be expensive, which is why it is a good idea to look for areas that will minimize your costs. Read More …

Cutting Diesel Costs When Driving Your Rig

19 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you are a new trucker, you will quickly find out that the diesel fuel you use to run your rig will be one of the biggest expenses you encounter. If you run your rig independently and do not have the luxury of a boss who pays for your energy cost, you will want to do whatever possible to keep money in your pocket rather than constantly filling your tank. Here are a few ways you can save on the cost of diesel when driving a rig. Read More …